Ko Am Mu Do Invitational (2019)
- Held on Sat, January 26 2019
- Standard Registration closed on • Sat, January 26 2019, 9:00 AM PT • Sat, January 26 2019, 10:00 AM MT • Sat, January 26 2019, 11:00 AM CT • Sat, January 26 2019, 12:00 PM ET
- Standard registration first event: $50.00, Additional events: $20.00

Looking for the 2020 Suncoast Sports Festival Taekwondo Invitational?
Registraton is now open!
The Ko Am Mu Do Invitational is a family friendly event for students of all ages and ranks. Participants have the opportunity to compete in Poomse (Forms), Sparring, Breaking and Weapons.
This year’s Invitational will be part of the 2019 Suncoast Sports Festival and will be held at the Florida State Fair Grounds in Tampa, Florida. Please visit the 2019 Suncoast Sports Festival for spectator admissions, parking, negotiated hotel rates, discounted local attraction rates and additional event information. www.allsportsinvitational.com
Participant check-in at 9:00 a.m.
Attendee Qualifications:
1. Must be members in good standing at a Ko Am Mu Do member school.
2. Must have approval from their school’s Master or Grandmaster to participate.
Rules: All rules in accordance with Ko Am Mu Do Federation and WTF guidelines. Please consult with your school administrator for details.
For more information contact us:
Tournament Director
Michelle Britnell
To ensure the successful registration and placement into the correct division, complete all requested information. All registrations for the Ko Am Mu Do Invitational are NON-refundable.
Participant check-in at 9:00 a.m.
Attendee Qualifications:
1. Must be members in good standing at a Ko Am Mu Do member school.
2. Must have approval from their school’s Master or Grandmaster to participate.
Rules: All rules in accordance with Ko Am Mu Do Federation and WTF guidelines. Please consult with your school administrator for details.
Before registering for the 2019 Ko Am Mu Do Invitational you will need the following:
- Valid Email Address
- Participant Belt Rank
- Participant Age, Height and Weight
- Tae Kwon Do School Name
- Tae Kwon Do School Master or Grandmaster
- Tae Kwon Do School Phone Number
For more information contact us:
Tournament Director
Michelle Britnell
7 Events
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- 120 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
- Individual Event
Florida State Fairgrounds
Suncoast Sports Festival
Tampa, Florida 33610
United States 813-935-8888
The tournament host has not made any announcements for this tournament at this time. Please check back often to keep updated with the latest information.
The tournament host has not provided any additional resources for this tournament.
This feature is comming soon!